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(Gone) 2 Otis mod. Otis 2000 Traction elevators at Brisbane Transit Centre, Brisbane City, QLD
[R] Final Ride: 2 Creepy Bodged Otis Traction elevators at Brisbane Transit Centre, QLD
(Gone) Otis Lexan mod. Otis Elevonic 401 Traction elevators at Brisbane Transit Centre, QLD
7NEWS Flashback Remember Brisbane Transit Centre
Otis Gen2 Traction elevators at Brisbane City Hall, QLD
Building Needing Identification, Brisbane, QLD Australia - Otis Gen2 Traction Elevator
Reception hell lite: 2 Otis Gen2 MRL traction elevators at 308 Queen Street, Brisbane City, QLD
Otis 2000H - Full Tour
It’s Time Has Come: Otis Elevonic 401 (Mod. Schindler) Traction lifts at 200 Creek Street, QLD
Johns Perry (Mod. OTIS) traction lift at 45 Adelaide Street, Brisbane City, QLD
Nice Modernised OTIS lifts at the Royal Albert Hotel, QLD
The light shines again: [R-A900] Otis 2000 VF Traction elevator at South Bank House, Sth Bris, QLD